45years strong
About Us

The hum of bees is the voice of the garden

Hobbyist beekeepers may run one or two hives for pure pleasure and recreational interest or up to 50 hives for a more lucrative pastime. Our professional beekeeper members may run many hundreds of hives for full time honey production and pollination services as well as offering beekeeping services to the apiculture industry.

Our vision is to continue to grow the active membership of the Association into the biggest most successful beekeeper’s association in South Africa

We make it our mission to build, encourage and teach each other and new members, to work even stronger together as a team and to produce for the market the purest honey and best bee related products that the members can be proud of. "Practice what you Preach"

Our objectives
Sketch of a bee

Our key objectives

Advancing Apiculture

Promoting and advancing the science of apiculture.

Maintaining competency

Establishing and maintaining competency and professional conduct amongst its members.


Stimulating and assisting in the establishment and maintenance of educational and training facilities in all aspects of apiculture.

Building affiliations

Entering into affiliation with other associations having similar aims and comparable constitutions.

Norterns Beekeeping Assocciation Logo

Promote beekeeping

To promote the interests of the beekeeping fraternity for the mutual benefit of all.

Gathering donations

Accepting donations, raising moneys and undertaking investments to assist the association in achieving its objectives.

Assist where we can

To render assistance to agriculture where ever possible.

Doing more

Doing all such other things, within the confines of the law, as are incidental or conducive to the attainment of its objectives.

The committee

The Committee shall comprise of a Chairman, Secretary, and Treasurer plus co-opted additional members with special duties, as requested from time to time.

Norterns Beekeeping Assocciation Logo
Johan Bornman
Marietjie Marais
Willem Cronje
Vice Chairman / Sabio Member
Jan Steenkamp
Public Relations
Inge Austin
Public Relations
Phillip du Toit
Public Relations
Marian Esterhuizen
Public Relations
Fanie de Kock
Public Relations
Frik Badenhorst
Beekeeper Holding Super Frame
Our history

Spreading our wings since 1980

We were established in 1980 and are currently situated in Pretoria, South Africa. We are not restricted by geographical boundaries. Our members are motivated primarily by the fascinating world of the honey bee and its marvelous ability to convert the simple source of plant nectar into the sweet sauce of nature’s honey.

We are also dedicated to the promotion and preservation of the beekeeping sector which is a fundamental element in the sustainability of a sound agricultural industry and healthy ecological environment.

  • 1930


    The group was founded, with 58 members (at that time the largest bee association).

    It then began to shrink to almost no members. The big setback was when the then Secretary, as well as Penning master, resigned.

  • 2014

    The Comeback

    Riekie was approached after meeting Hans Blokker, the then Chairman, and she was asked to blow back the group's fire, which she tackled with zeal and purpose.

  • 2025

    Looking ahead

    Our membership is now over 200 and NBA is once again the largest bee association.


Buzz there faster

Become a NBA Member

Become a member

Membership of NBA is open to all persons interested in beekeeping and any activities associated with beekeeping.

Become a member

More about the honeybee

Apis Mellifera Scutellata is a native African Honey bee.

Learn more