Field days to monthly meetings.

As an association we believe in connecting, learning and giving back. We have regular events, including our monthly meeting, to keep our members informed, educated and engaged.

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Beekeeper Smiling
People having coffee

Our monthly meetings

Monthly meeting dates are set for every 3rd Saturday of each month. This is followed by a fun braai activity for the members and their families. Three of the monthly meetings during the year will be turned into a practical day away to one of the member's farm.

Members will then participate in opening hives and learn the practical aspects of beekeeping. The monthly meetings also include a market day, where beekeepers my display and sell their own market items.

Field days & trips

Field days are practical sessions working on the bees or linked to beekeeping activities. The emphasis is on educational and hands on aspects of beekeeping. These days are generally organized dependent on the beekeeping calendar and are arranged as and when facilities and timing can be coordinated.

Sessions may range from Placing Hives and Hive Maintenance, Identification of Flora for Bees, Visits to Professional Beekeepers, Queen Rearing, etc. Field days normally take place on the 3rd Saturday of stipulated month as per the calender. and last either a half or full day activity.

Generally once a year the Association may arrange an extended weekend trip out of town to visit a professional beekeeper or a number of beekeepers in another province.

Beekeepers in field
Sketch of a bee

Upcoming events

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Beekeeper Holding Super Frame
About us

Learn more about us

The Northerns Beekeeping Association (NBA) is a provincial beekeeping body that supports and promotes all aspects pertaining to professional beekeeping within the Northern areas of Gauteng, Limpopo, Mpumalanga and surrounds of South Africa.

The association engages in, and collaborates with, all partners and relevant stakeholders in activities that advance relevant research, sound beekeeping initiatives and projects, beekeeper training, skills development and support.

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Become a NBA Member

Become a member

Membership of NBA is open to all persons interested in beekeeping and any activities associated with beekeeping.

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More about the honeybee

A honey bee is a eusocial flying insect within the genus Apis of the bee clade, all native to Eurasia.

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Visit our FAQ section.

hand sketch of a bee